Monday, November 07, 2005

Cancelled Shows

Pulling the plug on some things is a bittersweet experience. Sometimes you just know that there is potential but for your own sake, you need to let go.
This week I decided to get rid of the following shows:

1. Mayo Clinic - Medical Edge.

This was one of those "snippet" shows. Once in a while you downloaded a minute long podcast filled with such good medical advice as "Exercise is good" and "Make sure you get enough sleep". I honestly subscribed to the podcast in the hopes of getting a really cutting edge medical info, this was after all the prestigious Mayo Clinic, but got instead the medical equivalent of Yentas-R-Us.

2. Agent Xenon.
This was a video podcast - one of the first ones. Apparently a group of video-enthusiasts banded together to make decent, funny, sometimes absurd videos.
The podcast was actually good but proved to be somewhat empty - downloading tons of megabytes for some frat-humour jokes got old very fast. I, as a member of the audience, have graduated to shows with actual content.


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