Cinecast consists of two movie buffs, Adam Kempenar and Sam Hallgren, both freshly graduated from Film school and eager to give us their take on freshly released movies, as well as refreshing our memories on old classics.
They are geeky, enthusiastic and willing to communicate their knowledge to you, the listener. They delve into sub-texts, motifs, script layout etc... This could be disastreous but somehow they make it work. In part due to their considerable innate likeability but also due to the fact that they break up the show into several different segments. That makes the 40 minutes go by fairly quickly. There is the review of recent films, compiliations of movie lists (top 5 this and that) and even "guess the movie" game. The podcast is fairly professional and should make the jump to video podcasting fairly soon.
To get the podcast go here.
They are geeky, enthusiastic and willing to communicate their knowledge to you, the listener. They delve into sub-texts, motifs, script layout etc... This could be disastreous but somehow they make it work. In part due to their considerable innate likeability but also due to the fact that they break up the show into several different segments. That makes the 40 minutes go by fairly quickly. There is the review of recent films, compiliations of movie lists (top 5 this and that) and even "guess the movie" game. The podcast is fairly professional and should make the jump to video podcasting fairly soon.
To get the podcast go here.
I wanted to add that they have now made the jump to video podcasting but as of yet they seem to be quite lost as to how best to use this new medium. I like the guys but watching their faces for 40 minutes doesn´t realy add anything to the show.
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