Tuesday, March 07, 2006

GizWiz show

I downloaded a new show from Leo Laporte, the hyper-busy podcaster, where the focus was on individual gadgets. A new gadget every day - that couldn´t be too bad.
In addition, the co-presenter is the Mad-magazine contributer Dick Debartolo so this promised to be funny and interesting. Funny gadget reviews simply cannot miss.


The show is too light weight; the banter not so funny and the gadgets too frequently uninteresting. I noticed that I simply couldn´t be bothered to actually listen to the shows after they were downloaded. This is in sharp contrast to Leo's other shows which are genuinely interesting (TWIT and MacBreak).

I tried GizWiz for a week... and then let it go.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Top 10 for March (and Top 5)

You know the drill. A new month, a new top ten podcast list.
These are the shows I look forward to downloading and enjoying. To make the list more clear I decided to split it into the audio top ten and the video top 5.

1. Cinecast
2. Emaccast
3. KCRW Left, Right & Center
4. Point of Inquiry
5. Real Time with Bill Maher (He´s back)
6. Scientific American
7. Slate Magazine Podcast
8. NBC´s Meet the Press
9. Telegraph News
10. This Week in Tech

Answer bitch has finally dropped out of the top ten; she was just becoming annoying and grating.
Ricky Gervais show has started its second season and as it now costs 1.95USD per 30 minute show, it is simply not a feasible option.
Ebert and Roper are simply not entertaining enough to be in the top ten anymore, don´t know how to put a finger on it but they are just too "slick", too polished.
The newcomers are: Point of inquiry, a skeptical science show; NBC´s Meet the Press, a great hardtalk interview show; Real Time with Bill Maher, who graciously has returned from his vacation and finally, Telegraph news which is great in the mornings with your cup of coffee. The Telegraph provides you with a small package of news summaries, market news and then some interesting articles. In a way it is perfectly representative of a newspaper where you never know exactly what you will be reading in the morning.

Video Top 5
1. Diggnation
2. DL.TV
3. Xplay Video Podcast
4. MacBreak
5. VH1 Best Week ever

Diggnation is still great and quite a lot of fun. DL.TV is more informative and "grown up". There is nothing "grown up" abut Xplay´s Video Podcast and MacBreak is the latest Leo Laporte video show (the guy is the most energetic podcaster around). VH1´s Best week ever is derived from their TV show and and gives you a pop culture briefing every day (LOST was exciting last night, Dancing with the stars was not).